
Ch 6.23: On hold, cancelled





4 則留言:

匿名 說...

I will suggest you better to think what is your real future career. If you want to be a more professional person, you should make a MPil or PhD rather than a MSc course. If you just want to be a technicial person, go ahead to be a technician but don't think it will give you a bright career. BV is a biggest laboratory in HK and it likes a factory. Do you want to be a factory amah? Qualification is your real ticket for you to reach the higher position in any business. But please remember, just a ticket for you to join the business/company. Your prospect is still much controlled on your hands, but not the others. Think more directions, be a smart guy!

匿名 說...



另外,關於我自己的發展道路,假使我在十二月前能找到一份理想和穩定的化驗工作(而環境又適合我),我或會放棄我目前的M.Sc課程,專心一致地完成公司的工作.當我累積了一定的工作經驗,我或會修讀analytical chemistry以獲取晋升機會.所以說做technician,並不一定沒前途可言.



匿名 說...

If you want to work in a laboratory, the Analytical Chemistry in HKBU will be much more suitable for you rather than MSc in City U. Moreover, if you think your result in BSc is not too good to make a MPil and PhD degree. You can try CityU or BU or HKU. Plenty of Choices! Don't limit your career choices or yourself. Choice whate you want! You can choice to be a reporter, WHY NOT?

匿名 說...

其實我都想講. 我都好應同匿名提到既"If you just want to be a technicial person, go ahead to be a technician but don't think it will give you a bright career.". 任何既公司都係管理層才是最值錢 and 有價值. 我唔係話 M.Sc 無用. 不過如果想係 Master 度提供公工作後路. 我建議去考慮 Management field 既做選擇. 直線(同一個field)去繼續讀上去. 我覺得橫向去擴闊你既 range of knowledge 會對你長遠既發展會有更好既幫助.